Maximising the Value of Our Agency

For many Agency founders selling their business is a reward for years of hard work – spent working for Clients, building value of their businesses and brands.
Too often, the decision to sell occurs well after the moment the Agency has peaked or simply because a few of the original founders want to move on. Any exit requires a strategy, strong leadership, loyal Clients and sought-after expertise.
As you can imagine, there are plenty of questions that need answering before any decisions are made and from our experience, understanding the drivers of value can help owners focus on what matters most.
Through our research, we have identified the most relevant drivers of value right now and how to find strategic partners or buyers to ensure optimum value for all parties. There are already various methods to help Agency owners pursue their goals, but our unique framework is outlined below:
Step One – Initial valuation & diagnose value drivers
Step Two – Ambition & options to increase value
Step Three – Test value projections & action plans
Step Four – Action optimum value plan
Step Five – Value & revalue progress
Basically, our approach is all about helping to answer those questions and place you and your Agency in a more informed position to make better decisions. We believe our role is working alongside you, not dipping in and out, fully committed to realising your goals.

When building value for any agency, we simply design a tailored programme using a combination of our value drivers, some of which are listed below, to maximise the multiple valuation. Naturally, some increase and decrease the Agency valuation depending on who is buying and why. Our partners with proven experience of generating value are specialists in different areas.
Value Drivers to maximise agency value:
- Expertise / skills
- Location
- Broad spread of Clients
- Margin
- Reputation
- Growth projection / track record
- Recurring Client income v project
- Specialisms
Value Detractors reducing the agency valuation
- Reliance on too few Clients
- Highly competitive sector
- Weak proposition
- Low / no profits
- Dependency of founders
- Poor governance
To find out which of your Agency’s value drivers and risks are driving the valuation of your business today, click here