How are Agencies adapting to meet new challenges?

Over the past few years have been particularly difficult for Agencies of all shapes and sizes in the UK. Covid has disrupted our industry and shifted how we work, potentially for a long time. Talking to Agency founders and leaders, it’s clear they have had to prioritise keeping their Agencies viable during the pandemic. But …

Regrowing Agency Value – Post Covid-19 Bounce Back

Splendid isolation might inspire artists to do their best work. But it’s a very different proposition for advertising creatives who like to bounce ideas off each other and feed off the buzz around them. On the business side, too, agencies haven’t been working as effectively through the lockdown period. Hardly surprising when clients are markedly …

Covid-19 economic fallout changing Agency Valuations

UK shopping behaviour suddenly changed when the pandemic arrived in the UK and we also noticed how buying patterns across Europe followed the spread of the virus. Not surprisingly, the transformation has also affected a range of asset values and to be honest, has caused us a few challenges when valuing Agency Businesses. Normal valuations …

Coming Out of Covid-19, A 20-20 Perspective

Just before Corona Virus so dramatically put the brakes on our industry, and indeed life in general, we were busy undertaking a round of 20-20 Ouragencyvalue interviews. We were literally stopped in our tracks by the outbreak, and it became startlingly clear that a very different ‘agency world’ would emerge from lockdown, to the previous …

Selling up isn’t easy; so what can I do to make it happen?

It isn’t unusual for owners of agencies to see the potential proceeds of a business sale as a significant element of their retirement fund. However, it is surprisingly unusual to see an effective action plan designed to make it happen! In fact it is more unusual to see any formal business plan at all in …

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